Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Types Of Friends, Essay Sample

Types Of Friends A friend is an individual who loves another despite whether they receive love in return or not. Human beings establish friendships with persons of the opposite sex, same sex, family members and even with animals. When it comes to friends, every individual chooses the kind of friends they want, and as the saying goes; the friends one keeps best define a person’s personality (Ravichandran, 1999, pp. 23). However, not all friends offer an individual all what one needs. Some are loyal; others are great listeners while others are always there when one needs them. On estimate, individuals with minimal friends tend to experience an earlier death when compared to those who have friends. Thus, for an individual to increase their chances of living longer, they should ensure they have the following types of friends. First, is the best friend. A best friend is an individual that every individual requires to remain sane and be themselves. The best friend acts as a companion, by sticking to an individual through thick and thin even when other friends are nowhere in sight, and who shares a bond with an individual that is unbreakable by anything (Fucarino, 2017). A best friend is the type of person one calls all the time to laugh, joke and make fun of things or when one needs to share funny or weird information. Also, a best friend is the individual one shares their feelings, emotions, and actions with, because one knows that they are non-judgmental and supportive to one another even when one has failed or has created a mess. Best friends are necessary to have, as each requires a friend who will love them no matter the circumstance and one who will stand with them even when they are intolerable. The second type of friends is old friends. Old friends are individuals that one has been friends with for the longest time. Most individuals develop friendships from when they were toddlers, in elementary school and high school. However, due to different circumstances such as moving from one area to another, changing school or attending various colleges, the individuals become physically apart but remain friends for years (Fucarino, 2017). These are the type of individuals that one has knowns for the most extended period and that one develops a certain level of comfort. For instance, they can make fun of each other, as they know each other’s depth of sense of humor; they are the people one can almost call any manner of names without angering them and engage in friendly games such as putting them in a headlock. Old friends are crucial to an individual as they are the foundation of an individual’s making friends. As the first friends of a person, they teach one how to bui ld, treat and maintain friendships through sharing, having fun and being there for each other. The old friends remember the good and the bad in someone and still use it to uplift and push one to be a better person. The third type of friend is the energized and adventurous friend. In a world full of different perspectives of life to experience, different sceneries to see and people to meet, one is less likely to enjoy all these treasures (Simon Zamazing, 2013). However, thanks to the adventurous friend one readily appreciate the beauty of life. An energizer friend is the type of person who oozes fun, vitality, and one who shares it by boosting one’s sense of adventure. These friends always know what is happening around them and the beautiful and fun places that an individual should visit to sightsee or experience amazing things. The energizers are primarily the life of the party, who possess positivism, enthusiasm and a great love of life. Having such a friend is essential as they enable one to discover their inner self by experiencing the nature around them, as well as, the adventure contained in different ideas, cultures, and activities. The fourth type of friend is the brutally honest confidant. This kind of friend is one individual that will never lie to a person despite the situation. These kinds of friends offer an individual an honest and painful perspective on a situation by telling one what they should know about the case however hurtful the reality may be without lying (Bertolucci, 2015, Mar 2015). In particular circumstances every individual requires the one person that does not seek to please them by telling them the selective truth and instead, opening up and giving the correct perspective. Such individuals are helpful in providing constructive criticism and guidance in making reasonable decisions. The fifth type of friend is the mentor. The mentor is a type of friend who believes in someone and strives to push and encourage one towards achieving one’s potential. The mentor friends are smart, stirring and admirable who practice the philosophy of helping an individual to move up. Such friends achieve this by inspiring confidence, hard work and positivism in an individual to become better individuals without instilling a feeling of inadequacy (Fucarino, 2017). Additionally, such friends continually invest in the wellbeing of another by showing genuine interest, challenging one to explore their strengths and positively utilize them towards uplifting their well-being. Moreover, the said friend also shows their concern by continually following one’s progress and lending a hand when one feels stranded or helpless. The sixth type of friend is the work friend. According to, an individual spends approximately fifty percent of their life working, and carrying out activities related to work. The time lapses among shuttling to and from work, thinking about work, working overtime and enhancing one’s career development. As a result, one can develop stress or depression when on their own as all this time is spent away from their family and other types of friend. Thus, having a work friend becomes sensible. A work friend is the type of friend one engages during the day-to-day working, to share frustrations about the job, the person to whom one complains to about other employees, pass the time with during lunchtime and shares one’s career aspirations (Fucarino, 2017). Work friends help an individual develops socialization skills at work and do not have to be one’s friends outside work necessarily, but the friendship may grow and extend outside work. In conclusion, having people, that one treasures the most and that one can share all the moments of life with contributes to the betterment of an individual’s life, as well as, to their health. Friends are more than individuals one talks to or spend their time with when one feels lonely; they are people that an individual enjoys spending their time with and persons that support each other in different situations. Having best friends, old friends, work friends, honest confidant, the adventurer friend and the motivational friend is paramount in making an individual an all-rounded human being who is happy and healthy. Therefore, a person should select the different type of friends wisely. References Bertolucci, D. (2015, March 2015). The 6 types of friends you need (and the 3 you can do without). Mindbodygreen. Fucarino, C. (2017). 8 types of friends you need to have in your life. Ravichandran, T. (1999). On Friendship. College English Review, 3 (2): 23-25. Simon, N., Zamazing, C. (2013). All kinds of friends. Chicago, Ill: Albert Whitman Company.

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